Friday, April 28

Children's museum

Dragons & Fairies section

Blue Man Group section

Bubles section

Johnny's workbench section

Science Play Ground


Music place

Construction zone

Boston view from Children's museum

Climbing the walls

Playing Chess

Thursday, April 27

Florida House

The comunity . . .

. . . the gate . . .

. . . the house . . .

. . . garage . . .

. . . front door . . .

Ingrit try to open the door . . .

. . . front yard . . .

. . . Mango . . .

. . . side yard . . .

. . . back yard . . .

. . . and the view . . .

Ingrit and Wilfried's House

This is the view from the Balcony

The living room

Through out this house are all the products made by Wilfried and Ingrid.
Look at this wall unit, Wilfried built all by himself. It is not like you buy in store and just put all the pieces together. No, he BUILT it everything. And the wall is from Ingrid.

This is her- Ingrid - with her dog. (Her dog is born in Germany- is that cool?)

This is the kitchen

This is Ingrit everyday chores

Remember, all the wall art are made by Ingrit, and the furniture are build-in are made by Wilfried.
From Jenny's room . . . . .

. . . . . to Kevin's room- where I spend my crazy night.

This is a mazing. They are both so talented.


Sunday, April 23

John F.Kennedy Library and Museum

The main entry

They were so happy after having to be
quiet for 2 hours.

- Profile in Courage Award -

- Pavillion -

Downtown from J.F.K. Library

We had fun !!!